Minister moots mediation centre for Muslim, non-Muslim custody battles

Religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar says this can solve child custody disputes fairly while ensuring the children involved are taken care of.

PETALING JAYA: Religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar has proposed the setting up of a mediation centre to resolve child custody disputes involving Muslims and non-Muslims.
According to Bernama, Na’im said the mediation process, which should be informal, required a suitable platform for parties involved to resolve the matter outside of court.
He acknowledged that the proposal needed to be studied further.
“What is most important is that the mediators appointed must consist of a combination of shariah law experts, civil law experts and child specialists.
“I am confident this informal way can solve the problem fairly and ensure that the interests of the children involved are taken care of,” he said.
The minister was commenting on a viral video of a mother being separated from her nine-year-old child after the Kuantan High Court gave the father custody over the child through a habeas corpus order.
The couple is reported to be divorced. The mother, who has embraced Islam, is said to have been taking care of the child.
“(This case) involves a dispute between a Muslim and non-Muslim, namely a non-Muslim father, Muslim mother and their child.
“We do not want any party to take the opportunity to cause conflict and unrest. We want to create a society that is united and understanding,” said Nai’m.
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